If we start anything with a prayer, it helps you focus on what you are planning to do by releasing all other unwanted thoughts.
So to begin with, chant this pranayama mantra-
"Pranasyedam vashe sarvam,
Tridive yath pratishthitham
Mateva putran rakshasva
shreescha prajnanscha videhi nah iti"
Translation: Whatever exists in all the three worlds, is controlled by Prana.
Mateva putran rakshasva
shreescha prajnanscha videhi nah iti"
Translation: Whatever exists in all the three worlds, is controlled by Prana.
O Prana, Protect us like a mother protects her sons and please give us wealth and intelligence.
So firstly, what is Pranayama?
Pranayama is the fourth limb of Ashtanga Yoga. It is a breathing technique that teaches you how to breathe and hold your breath for health benefits. It promises to keep diseases at bay if you practice it daily.
There are four parts of breathing in Pranayama - inhalation, pause after inhaling, exhalation, pause after exhalation.
In yogic terms, they are called Puraka(Inhalation), Abhyantara Kumbhaka (Pause after inhaling), Rechaka(Exhalation), Bahya Kumbhaka (Pause after exhaling).
Benefits of Pranayama:
● Reduces hypertension
● Reduces heart-related issues
● Strengthen lung function
● Increases focus
● Helps in skin glow(anti-aging)
● Helps in releasing toxins from the body
● Improves digestion
● Pranayama+Yoga upgrades yoga practice
● Pranayama+Meditation enhances meditation experience and benefits
● Cures Thyroid related problems
● Helps to reduce snoring
● Reduces belly fat
● Increases Lung capacity
● Helps Asthma patients
● Strengthens abdominal muscles
● Aids respiratory system
● Purifies the nadis
● Cures diseases caused by excess of bile, wind and phlegm.
● Brings balance in Doshas( Vata, Pitta and Kapha)
Where to do Pranayama?
Benefits of Pranayama:
● Reduces hypertension
● Reduces heart-related issues
● Strengthen lung function
● Increases focus
● Helps in skin glow(anti-aging)
● Helps in releasing toxins from the body
● Improves digestion
● Pranayama+Yoga upgrades yoga practice
● Pranayama+Meditation enhances meditation experience and benefits
● Cures Thyroid related problems
● Helps to reduce snoring
● Reduces belly fat
● Increases Lung capacity
● Helps Asthma patients
● Strengthens abdominal muscles
● Aids respiratory system
● Purifies the nadis
● Cures diseases caused by excess of bile, wind and phlegm.
● Brings balance in Doshas( Vata, Pitta and Kapha)
Where to do Pranayama?
Choose a quiet location that has good ventilation, minimal distractions, and is free of noise and pollution.
When to do Pranayama?
When to do Pranayama?
Always try to stick to a routine. It's preferable to do it in the mornings or evenings. Freshness in the mornings makes your sessions more worthy and prepares you for the day. Sessions in the evenings help you fight tiredness.
Always try to practice Pranayama with an empty stomach with a gap of 2-3 hours after a meal.
Who should not do Pranayama?
Always try to practice Pranayama with an empty stomach with a gap of 2-3 hours after a meal.
Who should not do Pranayama?
- Children below 12 years should not do all Pranayama techniques. They can do Brahmari and Ujjayi under proper guidance.
- Pregnant women should refrain from some Pranayama techniques. They should check with a doctor before practising them.
- Women with periods should refrain from some Pranayama techniques.
- High BP patients,Heart patients should not do certain Pranayamas.
- Avoid few pranayama techniques during fever or cold.
Sitting asanas for Pranayama-
- Sukhasana
- Padmasana
- Ardha Padmasana
- Vajrasana
- Siddhasana
Choose any asana from these, which is comfortable for you.
What are the types of Pranayama?
1.Kapalabhati 2.Bhastrika 3.Chandranuloma 4.Suryanuloma 5.Chandrabedhan 6.Suryabedhan 7.Nadi Shuddhi 8.Bhramari 9.Ujjayi 10.Sheetali 11.Sheetkari 12.Sadanta 13. Savasana Pranayama
Along with these 13 techniques, sectional breathing techniques are also considered to be a type of Pranayamas.
When to stop Pranayama?
If you want to prolong the practice, remember a few points on when to stop.
- If you feel dizzy
- If you are overtired
- If you sweat profusely
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