As in and for 'YOGA', the day will be remembered for multiple great reasons:
A record 177 countries supported the Indian resolution proposed by our Hon. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for the designation of IDY at the United Nations in 2014.
With this day (now in the 7th year of its commemoration & celebration), established India as a harbinger of Universal peace, holistic health and as the place where this ancient wisdom originated.
And yes, more Importantly, IDY helped democratize the practice of this ancient and proven science of Yoga and also accelerate the adoption of this great art of wellness across the Globe.
Establishing the due protocol for Yoga by the ever active 'Ministry of Ayush'- Government of India, made the adoption of this profound practice much simpler and acceptable across cultures.
Why 21st June as IDY 2021?
The day 21st June was selected and proposed as the International Day of Yoga as it has a huge significance in many cultures across the Globe and celebrations around this date has a time honored history.
June 21, Summer Solstice, is the longest day of the year with close to 17 hours of daylight. The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol ("sun") and sistere ("to stand still"), because at the solstices, the Sun's declination appears to "stand still"; that is, the seasonal movement of the Sun's daily path (as seen from Earth) pauses at a northern or southern limit before reversing direction.
Solstice occurs twice a year (like Equinox), one in summer and the other in winter and the seasons, as we all know, is because of equinox and solstices
Dakshinayana and 21st of June,
as mentioned in the Indian Scriptures and practiced in the Hindu Culture, this change of movement of the Sun is commonly known as 'Dakshinayana'-Dakshin (दक्षिण) means south & aayana (आयन) means movement in Sanskrit.
On this day onwards, Sun begins to trace a southward movement in the Earth’s sky.
This is the day as per the scriptures, AdiYogi, that is, Lord Shiva, the first Yogi started imparting the fundamentals of the Yogic Science to his first seven disciples, who are celebrated and revered as the 'Saptarishis'. (7 Enlightened Saints) and who travelled in different directions across the Globe to spread this divine knowledge.
The days, from 21st June onwards are days to excel, tweak our habits and move towards excellence and strive for greater achievements and abundance.
All this is possible by a regular practice of Yoga.
As is said, it’s better to start this practice of Yoga from a younger age when the energies are high and the virility is intact.
Wishing you all a 'Happy IDY-2021'
The Author is Founder and CEO of Sense22 Yoga -India's most Integrated Yoga Company with a large range of eco-friendly Yoga Accessories, Licensed & Experienced Yoga trainers and Curated Yoga Retreats.